Left You Hanging 2.0


Greetings! I recreated my original Left Ya Hangin’ cliffhanger from a few years earlier. I really enjoyed rewriting this, and I love seeing how much progress I’ve made as a young writer! I think this’ll mainly just be a writing warm-up, but I’m considering continuing this story once I’m done with my Minecraft book! Anyways, enjoy this!

Here’s the original…

January 8, 2021

It was a stormy night,

Thunder crashed above me. The rain pounded on my poncho. The sidewalk was slippery, but I had to keep on looking. It had to be here somewhere. Then I saw something white flash before my eyes. My flash light’s light bounced all over the place. Then the beam hit something shiny in the grass. The red rock stuck out of some damp leaves. “There it is,” I whispered to myself. I started to walk to it. The dead leaves crunched underneath my feet. Crackle, crackle, snap! In a split second my whole body fell into a ginormous hole, but by the looks, I hadn’t fallen into a hole, I had fallen into a footprint… 


                      To Be Continued 


And here’s 2.0!


June 27, 2023

A loud, cymbal-smashing, thunder crash BOOMED! Little bullets of rain shot onto my cloak. The sidewalk was slippery like an underwater seal, but I didn’t care. I had to keep looking. If I found it, oh, I would be unstoppable.

Suddenly, I gasped. Something red flashed before my eyes. It is- could it be? I jerked my flashlight around wildly. Its beam fell onto a shiny, glowing red rock stuck in a pile of leaves. Yes! Yes! This was it! 

I jumped off the sidewalk and into the woods. Excitement pumped through my veins as I rushed towards the little red stud. It got closer and closer. This was it, I exhaled. Although it was only a few feet away, I could still feel the power pulsing outwards. 

The aurora had me so hypnotized and distracted, that I didn’t realize where I was walking. Dead leaves and crisp twigs cracked under my boots. Suddenly, I stepped forward but could not feel the ground in front of me. Before I knew it, I was tumbling down a wide, muddy hole. Little did I know that what I’d fallen into was no hole. I had fallen into a giant’s footprint…


One thought on “Left You Hanging 2.0

  1. Wow! Your expressive words pull my thoughts into your story like a rope pulling a bucket from a water well.
    Honey, you are improving each and every time you pick up your pen. Thanks for letting me read your work of mystery. Elmo

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